Once you've entered the bids into the Appia service, you can compare them and award the bid from the Bid Items page. Only bids set to Yes on the Bids tab will be included in bid tabulations and analysis.
Bid tabulations
Bid tabulations shows the unit price and extension by contractor for each item. You can compare the item bid prices against the engineer's estimate or low bidder.
Click Bid Items in the Sidebar menu. The Appia service displays the item list on the Bid Items page.
Click Tabulations.
Click the Analyze or Export toggle option to include or exclude a bid from the tabulation.
Print a copy of the report by selecting Bid Tabulations from the Reports menu. Open or save the report.
Create a .csv file of the bid tabulations by clicking Export. Open or save the file.
Analyze bids
The Bid Analysis page displays the bid analysis for the project, starting with the low bid. Add or remove other contractors from the analysis by selecting or clearing the check box for the contractor. You can use this feature starting in the New Project phase after bids have been entered into your project.
Items are listed along with their deviation from the low bid as a bar graph and percent. The percent can be either the project deviation or item deviation, depending on your preference.
Click Bid Items in the Sidebar menu. The Appia service displays the items list on the Bid Items page.
Click Analyze.
Select the toggle options for the contractors you want to use in the analysis.
Select the toggle option at the top to change from project deviation to item deviation.
Export the analysis to a .csv file by clicking Export. Open or save the file.
You can see a PDF of the report by selecting Bid Analysis from the Reports menu.
Award bid
Once you're done analyzing bids, you can award the bid. After the bid is awarded, you can assign funding to the items and advance the project to construction.
- Select Bid Items in the Sidebar menu and click the Bids tab if you're not already there.
Click Award for the awarded bid.
The Appia service awards the bid. To remove the award, click Remove award.
You can import bids until the project is advanced to construction. If you need to update the awarded bid, you must remove the award.