In this article: before the final payment, things to know, create final payment
The final payment is used when the project is complete.
Before the final payment
- Lump sum items that have been partially placed in a daily report must be included in an approved payment
- Lump sum items must be balanced on their own change order and included on an approved daily report
- Items must be balanced and on an approved daily report or change order
- Items must be marked complete
- Punch list tasks must be completed
- Stockpiles must be fully recovered
- Time limits must be marked complete
Things to know
When you create the final payment, any retainage is released and added to the payment. The Appia service locks your project. You will only be able to make changes to your attachments and links.
- If the final payment results in a negative payment, the retainage amount in the payment summary will be set to $0.00.
The Appia service will display any actions that need to be taken, such as balancing items, before the final payment can be added. Click the incomplete action or use the Sidebar menu to go to the appropriate part of the Appia service. If you do not see the Final Payment tasks screen, then all necessary tasks have already been completed.
Create final payment
Select the project from the Under Construction section of the My Projects page.
Select Payments in the Sidebar menu.
Select Issue final payment?
Submit the final payment for approval, then mark it as paid when it has been paid. Once the final payment is marked as paid, the Appia service moves the project from the Under Construction phase to the Completed phase, and no other changes can be made to the project.
- Lump sum items need to be balanced from a change order initiated from the Change Order page (not from the final payment page).
- Lump sum items need to be added manually to the change order.
- All items posted to a daily report at any time during the project will be balanced, unless an item or a split item and its corresponding fund package is included in a current draft or pending change order.
- Stockpiled items that have not been fully recovered will not be balanced.