In this article:
If you have the proper access, you can export Appia project or report information into .zip files. You must be on the My Projects page to see the Export Data option. System Administrators can export the Appia database for their business into raw data files so it can be stored in a project archive. This includes reports, reference data, settings, and other information about the business.
You must be on the My Projects page to see the Export Data option.
Export projects
You can export your Appia project into files so it can be stored in a project archive. This includes the project’s attachments and reports.
Select Export Data in the Sidebar menu and select Export Projects.
Click the down arrow Export Project button at the end of the project’s row.
The Appia service creates a .zip file of the selected project. You will receive an email with a link to the file when it is ready.
Export reports
You can export selected reports for your under construction projects. Some reports may not be included until their status is approved.
Select Export Data in the Sidebar menu and select Export Reports.
Select the project for which you want the reports in the Project field.
Select the start and end dates of the report range.
Select or clear the check marks of the reports you want to export. The Appia service clears the check mark for any reports that do not have information for the selected project.
Click Export.
The Appia service creates a .zip file of the selected reports and returns you to the My Projects page. You will receive an email with a link to the file when it is ready.
Export database
You can export the database for any business to which you have the proper access.
Select Export Data in the Sidebar menu and select Export Database.
Click Export Database.
The Appia service creates a .zip file of the database. You will receive an email with a link to the file when it is ready.