In this article:
Time Limit information for a project indicates when the work for that time limit is due to be complete and the liquidated damages that are calculated if the work is not completed. A time limit starts once the project is under construction. If you save a time limit with the wrong type, delete it and add a new one.
- You can have as many time limits are you want.
- Time limits work independently of each other.
- You can set a primary time limit for substantial completion or other needs. Primary time limits will include a primary label on the Time Limits page. If you have only one primary time limit, it will display on the Overview page once the project is under construction.
- You can't change the funding once the project advances to construction.
There are three different types of time limits:
Add or edit time limits
You can add or edit time limits in your project when it is in the New phase. Tracking time limits begins in the Under Construction phase. If you save a time limit with the wrong type, delete it and add a new one.
Adding or editing a time limit when the project is under construction must be done through a change order, except to enter the work start or end date, mark a time limit as primary or complete, or add a controlling item and if the contractor is working (for a working day time limit).
Click Time Limits in the Sidebar menu.
If you are adding a time limit, click Add. The Appia service displays the Time Limits details page. If you are editing a time limit, click the pencil edit icon for that time limit.
If you are adding a time limit, select the type of time limit in the Type field: Calendar Days, Completion Date, or Working Days. This field is required.
Add or change the description for the time limit in the Description field. This field is required.
Select the Primary Deadline button if you want to have this time limit marked as primary on the Time Limits page. It will change from No to Yes.
For Calendar Days or Working Days, enter the number of days the contractor has to complete the work in the Deadline Days field. For Completion Date, enter the date when the project should be completed in the Deadline Date field.
In the Liquidated Damages field, enter the amount charged to the contractor for each day the contract deadline is exceeded.
Click Save.
The Appia service will return you to the Time Limits page. Repeat the process if necessary.
Delete a time limit
You can delete a time limit when your project is in the New phase. Time limits in an under construction project have to be deleted through a change order.
Click the X in the time limit row of the time limit you wish to delete.