In this article:
Drawers are set up by the agency to organize documents related to different sections of a contract in the Doc Express service. For example, all of your change orders for a contract should be uploaded to the Change Order drawer.
Documents are listed in alphanumeric order on the Documents page or in the drawer for a contract. The numbers on the drawers indicate how many documents you have access to are in the Submitted status. Users with reviewer or read-only access can see documents but can’t submit them.
The maximum file size for a document is 250 MB.
You can use the search and order functions to find specific documents on both the Documents page and within a drawer.
You can see the workflow and those assigned to each step for your assigned documents as well as the options for rejecting a document.
- Open the drawer.
- Depending on your permissions, select Details or Edit from the Actions menu.
The Doc Express service displays the details for the drawer. The details will change depending on how the agency sets up the document workflow.
Return to the drawer by selecting the drawer name in the navigation trail.
Comments and supporting documents
The number of comments and supporting documents are displayed under the document name. View the comments or supporting documents by clicking the comments or supporting documents link. Click the title of a supporting document to download it.
You can also click the down arrow under the transitions to see the comments, supporting documents, and document history. If there is no down arrow, then there are no comments or supporting documents to view.
You can't markup a supporting document. You may be able to edit forms if you download them instead of opening them within the Doc Express service.
If you have the correct permissions, you can add comments and supporting documents outside of the document workflow. Once saved, comments and documents can't be changed or deleted.
With the drawer or document open, click comments or supporting documents under the header for the document. The Doc Express service opens the Comment or Supporting Documents window with the list of comments or supporting documents.
Click Add Comment or Add Supporting Document. The Doc Express service opens the Add Comment/Supporting Documents window.
Enter your comment in the Comment field and click Add if you're finished.
To add a supporting document, click Add a supporting document?
Enter a name for the supporting document.
Click Browse or Choose File and navigate to the location of the document.
Select the document and click Open.
Click Add.
The Doc Express service adds the comment and supporting document to the document and returns to the drawer or document list.
Good to know!
- Supporting documents can be removed or renamed by any user with a Manager, Editor, or Read-Write role and by the Prime or Associate who uploaded it.
- Learn more about supporting documents.
Copy and share the document link
You can create a URL for a document to share with other users who have access to the drawer.
With the drawer or document open, click Actions for the document and select Share.
If you want to email the URL of the document, click in the Email Users field and select the user who will receive the email. Repeat the process for all users who you wish to receive the email and click Email. Your email provider opens with the contents of the email displayed.
Send the email.
Note: If the Choose an App window displays, select your email type. You can set your default email using the System option in your computer settings.
Click Copy to copy the URL. You can then send the URL to users who have access to the drawer.
Click Close.
The Doc Express service returns you to the Contracts or Documents page.
Document history
If you are assigned to a contract, you can see a document and its history from the drawer or from the Documents page at any time after the document is submitted. Open the drawer or locate the document on the Documents page.
You will be able to see any markups (if applicable), though you will not be able to mark up the document until your assigned step in the workflow.
Document History
To see the history of the document and its comments and transitions, click the down arrow under the Actions button. You will not see the arrow if there are no additional transitions or comments.
View or Download a Document
If the document is not a PDF file, click the document title or the version of the document from the document history. Open or save the file.
To view a PDF document, click the title of the document. The Doc Express service displays the document in the Preview window. From here, you can download the document, mark up the document, or perform a document action (depending on your permissions), such as a transition or export.
To download the document from the Preview window, click the down arrow icon in the upper right corner.
To perform a document action, click the three horizontal dots in the upper right corner. Select the action from the menu.
Click the X in the upper left corner to close the Preview window.