In this article:
You can search a drawer for a specific document, or you can use the Documents page to display a list of all documents in the Doc Express service that you have access to. You can narrow the list using search criteria.
Select the drawer from the Contracts page or click Documents from the Sidebar menu to access the Documents page.
Enter part or all of the document title, not the name of the file, in the search box. The document title is displayed at the top of each document block.
The Doc Express service displays all document titles that match the search criteria.
The search remains in place until you clear the criteria. To clear your search, click the X at the start of the search field. The Doc Express system displays all documents in the drawer or the document list.
Advanced search
The Advanced Document search uses additional criteria, such as the status, comments, and a date range, to find documents.
Click the three lines located under the Search field. The Doc Express service displays the advanced search.
- To search only specific contracts, enter the contract numbers in the Contracts field.
Enter or select your search criteria. You do not have to enter information for every field.
The Doc Express service displays all documents that match the search criteria.
The advanced search remains in place until you clear the criteria. To clear your search, click the Reset search? link above the advanced search fields or click Reset search at the bottom of the Search window. The Doc Express system displays all documents in the drawer.
Order documents
You can also use the advanced search to order your documents. Select the sort order from the third field in the left column. The default is Most Recently Updated. You can also sort them by name, due date, and when they were submitted.