In this article:
- drawer types
- restrict document access
- document workflow order and transitions
- document advanced options
- resubmit document
There are several steps to setting up a drawer, including if you want access restricted and the order in which the document should be signed and transitioned to the next Doc Express role.
Before you begin
- Know the workflow and which roles need to be added to the Executed by field.
- Know if the document will be published to other drawers and if users will have the ability to mark up the document.
- Know if the document will be restricted.
Changes to the types will not be made in any drawer already in use in a contract.
- If needed, change the name of the drawer to be more descriptive.
- Enter or remove the different types for the drawer. Add one per line.
- If you want to add a type to all drawers of the same name, including ones in use in a contract, select the Click Here link below the Type field to open the Add New Type window.
You can copy a list of types from another document and paste it into the Doc Express service. For example, you could copy your current list of certifications and paste it into the Type field for the Material Certifications drawer.
Restrict document access
When you are editing a drawer, you can restrict access and downloads to the drawer.
Select this check box if you want to allow only those submitting the document and non-agency managers to download documents from the drawer. This is helpful in cases of payroll when sensitive information is uploaded as part of the document.
Drawer workflow order and transitions
When you are editing a drawer, you have the opportunity to add the workflow order and document transitions.
- If any step in an ordered workflow is optional, then the optional steps are available after the previous required step is completed. A required step after the optional steps may also become available.
- If the last step in an ordered workflow is optional, then the document may be marked complete by any of the optional signers. If the last step is required, then only a required signer can complete the document.
- Click the colored dot to use the palette to color-code each step. For example, you can choose to make submitted steps blue for every drawer, yellow for review steps, and red when completed.
The Doc Express service lists default or current document workflow order for the drawer in the Status column. You can change the name of a status step by typing the new name in the step’s field.
If you need to add transition statuses, click Add Workflow Step in the bottom right corner and modify the transition fields.
Click in the Executed By field to select the role, user, or group to execute that step of the drawer. You can select more than one. Groups and users can also be given access to the drawer for each contract. Click the X for the role, user, or group to delete it.
Select the type of signature needed for the step in the Signature field.
- Select the first option if no signature is required.
- If you need the submitter to select a check box only, select the second option.
- If you need the submitter to enter his or her name in addition to selecting the check box, select the third option.
- Select User digitally signs if you require the signer to have an Infotech Digital ID.
Clear the Required? check box if the step is not required. The first step will always be required.
Advanced options and additional information
Click the Advanced button and select the appropriate On/Off toggle options if needed:
- Provide the ability to copy a document to another drawer so the document can move through a workflow. You cannot require a signature for any step that can use the copy action. The user assigned to the copy step must be able to submit documents to another drawer in that contract.
- Allow a user to replace a document. All versions of the document are maintained in the history.
- Allow a user to markup a document, such as adding an arrow or drawing their own object. All versions of the document are maintained in the history.
- Require performance bond verification from the contractor.
- Only Allow Markup is available for the first step in the workflow.
Delete a step by clicking the X for that step.
Select the Include Signature Page check box to include a PDF of up-to-date signatures of the document. If the signature page is included, the document uploaded to the drawer must be a PDF file.
Select the Ordered Workflow check box if the transitions must occur in the order in which they are listed. If it does not matter when a signer transitions the document, then clear the Ordered Workflow check box.
- Select the Restrict Resubmit check box if you do not want a rejected document to be resubmitted. When you select this option, you will not be able to continue the workflow for a rejected document. You must upload the document again and start over.
Document resubmission
You can allow a document to be submitted as part of the template workflow, as long as the Restrict Submit check box is cleared in the Workflow Order section of the template drawer.
Click Add Rejections to add more reasons if necessary. Enter a reason for the resubmission by typing directly into the Status field.
Delete a status by clicking the X for that status.