The DBE List tab can track supplies, subcontractors, and manufacturers that are certified as disadvantaged businesses. This includes:
- DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise)
- MBE (Minority Business Enterprise)
- WBE (Woman-owned Business Enterprise)
Note | The agency chooses the text that displays on the tab, so while this guide refers to it as the DBE List tab, your tab may say something else. Unless otherwise specified, all references to DBE also include MBE and WBE.
The agency may also add fields to this page that are not documented.
Depending on your agency’s options, you can use the Bid component to track DBE commitments with subcontractors at the DBE level, or at the MBE and WBE commitment level, and designate if an entry should be added to the goal. You can also see if the DBE total meets the goal for the proposal.
Total DBE commitment and the DBE requirement are shown in both dollar values and as a percentage. You will see an error message if you check or submit your bid without meeting the requirements.
The DBE.bin file is a custom list generated by your agency that contains approved DBE/MBE/WBE information.
Note | Before you can complete the DBE tab within your bid, you must ensure the DBE.bin file is stored in the same location as your bid file.
The Bid component automatically reads files located in the same folder as your EBSX file. If the bidding software can’t find your file, you will be given an error message. It is up to your agency where this file is located.
Note | It’s recommended to check the Letting attachments on before reaching out to your agency contact for more clarification.
Note | You must complete your schedule of items before adding a DBE.
The agency can format the DBE section to fit its needs, so you may not see the same options from your agency described in this section. To add DBE
- Access the DBE list tab if you are not already there.
- Select the appropriate box to determine whether the DBE entry will be used toward your goal. This may be the Use Entry or Use this Quote check box, or the agency may have labeled this field differently.
- Click the down arrow next to the ID field on the bottom half of the screen. You will see a list of vendors.
- Select the bidder ID for the vendor you wish to use or enter the name of the vendor in the Name field.
- The agency compiled the list of vendors and has the option to let you enter a business that is not on the list.
- Once you select the bidder ID, the Bid component will complete the DBE name and location.
- Click the down arrow next to the Used As field and select the role of the DBE. Depending on the selection, you may see additional fields.
- Enter the DBE’s quote in the Bid Quote field or click Show Items to use the DBE item entry.
- If the agency is using the Show Items entry, the Bid Quote field will be unavailable.
- If the agency is using the Bid Quote field, click Add Entry when you are finished adding the DBE vendor information. This adds the DBE information to the table.
- Repeat the process to add another DBE.
If an entry is already selected in the list on the top half of the screen, click Clear Selection so the new DBE information doesn’t override the information for the DBE in the list.
If you decide not to add DBE information, click Clear to remove the information from the input section. Click Yes, clear in the confirmation window. Clearing an entry from the input section does not remove an entry that was added from the DBE list.
When you add a supplier, the total amount is calculated at a rate of 60% of the amount entered.
If your agency is using the Show Items feature, you will assign specific items to the DBE.
If an amendment is issued due to a change in an item, the item quantities and prices assigned to a DBE do not change. However, if the change results in the quantity or price being overcommitted for the DBE, an error will be reported during a Bid Check or upon returning to the DBE Item list. If you clear the selection of an item for a DBE, the values will reset to match the change in the schedule of items.
To assign items to the DBE:
- Add the DBE and fill in all necessary fields.
- Click Show Items to open the DBE List Items window. The Items Total field displays the total dollar amount committed to the selected DBE.
- In the Use Item check box, select the item you want to assign to the DBE. The item information will update.
- Enter the correct quantity, unit price, and extension price information.
- You do not have to assign the entire quantity to the DBE. The Bid component calculates the values of these fields based on your entries in the other two fields.
- Press the Tab key after each entry to enter it into the Bid component, making notes as necessary.
- If needed, repeat the process to add more items to the DBE.
- When you are finished, return to the DBE List window by clicking the component's back button at the top of the screen.
- Click Add Entry to add the DBE and items to the DBE goals.
- Repeat the process to add items to other DBEs.
This adds the DBE information to the Goals list and updates the goal calculation boxes with the item bid information.
To update the information for a DBE vendor already added to your bid
- On the DBE list tab, select the vendor from the list on the top half of your screen. The vendor’s information displays in the lower half of the screen.
- Update any necessary information, including items assigned to the vendor, and click Update Entry. The DBE entry will update.
To delete the information for a DBE vendor already added to your bid.
- On the DBE list tab, select the vendor from the list. The vendor’s information displays in the lower half of the screen.
- Click Remove Entry. The selected vendor is removed.